213 Valley Street Burlington, IA
Open Saturdays
9 am - 1 pm
The Heritage Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation and restoration of Burlington, Iowa's architectural resources through education, action, and advocacy.

The best place to find unique decor and historic building materials
Preservation Station is The Heritage Trust's all volunteer salvage and resale program for historic building materials. This operation accomplishes three goals:
Provide hard to find building parts for restoration at a reasonable price.
Save valuable materials from disposal and conserve landfill space.
Raise funds for our grant and educational programs.
How it works -- The Heritage Trust negotiates access to a house or building scheduled for demolition. Then Heritage Trust volunteers show up wielding hammers and pry-bars to salvage useful nonstructural building components prior to demolition. These parts are resold at Preservation Station. The community benefits go even further. Since the entire project is run by volunteers, and is a private non-profit venture, all of the proceeds are earmarked for grants and loans to help preserve and restore historic homes and buildings in the area.
The Preservation Station is a very important part of The Heritage Trust, providing not only an example of preservation in its purest form but also as a continual funding source to help support The Heritage Trust's mission to promote preservation and renovation of Burlington's architectural resources through education, action, and advocacy.
The Preservation Station continues to seek volunteers to help operate the facility during working hours each Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Each shift is only two hours, the first from at 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and the second shift from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Since the new Preservation Station has opened its doors each Saturday of the month business has increased as well as revenue. Please volunteer your time and come see the amazing transformation of this facility and the impact it has made on our community.
Best Façade
Project of the
Year Award